The paper is based on case studies and background papers prepared for the 2008 Biennale on Education in Africa, on the thematic synthesis prepared by Richard Walther and Hans Krönner, and on presentations and debates during the Biennale held in Maputo, Mozambique, from 5 to 8 May 2008.
The following Biennale case studies and background papers are available as drafts, in English or French, at the Biennale website:
Doc No
Author; Agency / Country
Enhancing Equitable Access to TVET Through Coherent Governance, Public-Private Partnerships & Multimedia Campaigns Development
EILOR, Mr. Joseph; Uganda
La formation professionnelle en secteur informel. Conclusions d'une enquęte terrain dans sept pays africains (Angola, Bénin, Cameroun, Ethiopie, Maroc, Sénégal, Afrique du Sud)
WALTHER, Richard; FILIPIAK. Ewa; France
Réinsertion par l’apprentissage communautaire. Le projet RAC au Congo
DZONDHAULT, Gaston; BANOUKOUTA, Maurice; Republic of the Congo
Formation professionnelle et insertion des finalistes des Centres d'Education pour le Développement (CED) au Mali
MAIGA, Bonaventure; KANE, Soumana; Mali
Nouvelles formes d’apprentissage en Afrique de l’Ouest: Vers une meilleure insertion professionnelle des jeunes
WALTHER, Richard; FILIPIAK. Ewa; France
Renforcement institutionnel en matičre technologique. Le programme PRIMTAF en Afrique francophone
DZONDHAULT, Gaston; MASSENGO, Vivianne; Republic of the Congo
Public-Private Partnership Models in TVET and their Impact on the Role of Government
GRUNWALD, Edda; German Technical Cooperation (GTZ)
Increasing female participation in TVET particularly in male-dominated trade areas
OTU-BOATENG, Grace; Ghana
Capitalisation d’une recherche action sur les passerelles entre l’enseignement général et la formation professionnelle
SARR, Joseph; TOURE, Aďssatou; Senegal
Gender Issues in Post-Primary Education
GAIDZANWA, Rudo Barbra
Localization of curricula and decentralization of curriculum development
DURANGO, Lewis; Namibia
Entrepreneurship in education and training. National plan of action to promote entrepreneurship developed jointly by three ministries. Description of the public strategic program on entrepreneurship promotion and training
Ministry of Education and Research; Ministry of Local Government and Industry; Ministry of Trade and Regional Development; Norway
Entrepreneurship Education in Post-Primary Education and Training: Case Study from Botswana
SWARTLAND, Jakes, Botswana
School enterprises and sustainability: Challenges for secondary and vocational education
SINGH, Madhu; UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
Creating Flexible and Inclusive Learning Paths in Post-Primary Education and Training in Africa: National Qualifications Framework and Recognition of non-formal and informal learning - The Key to Lifelong learning
SINGH, Madhu; UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
Recognition of non-formal and informal learning outcomes in Norway
MOHN, Torild Nilsen Norway
Other referenced documents:
- CEDEFOP 2007, European Training Village Newsletter; issue 10 - October 2007;
Rhetoric or reality: The shift towards learning outcomes in European education and training policies and practises, access 07.12.2008
- Krönner, H., 2006, Governance of Technical and Vocational Education and Training. Findings from the UNESCO TVET Survey 2004. Background document prepared for the 4th SADC Annual TVET Conference, Swakopmund, Namibia, 7 to 10 November 2006
- UN 2008. The Millennium Development Goals Report 2008. New York, 2008
- UNESCO 2008. EFA Global Monitoring Report 2008, UNESCO
- Walther, R.; Krönner, H. , 2008: Skills Development and the World of Work: Challenges for Education and Training. Thematic synthesis report on sub-theme 2. Working Document, Draft, ADEA 2008