Hans Krönner provides services in the following areas of technical and vocational education and training (TVET):
- Holistic TVET policies across government portfolios
- Interaction between training institutions and the world of work
- Role of social partners
- Orienting TVET towards sustainable development
- Gender issues in TVET and employment
Planning and Structures
- Design and development of structures for planning, decision-making, management, implementation and monitoring in TVET
- Transfer and adaptation of innovations
- Orienting TVET towards sustainable development
International Cooperation
- Identification, transfer, adaptation and application of relevant international standards and innovations in TVET
- Development and vitalisation of regional and international peer-to-peer networks
- Facilitating interaction with international and bilateral development partners
Mobilisation and Advocacy
- Identification of experts, mobilisation of stakeholders
- Advocacy and attention-focusing for TVET
- Promoting the attractiveness of TVET as an alternative to general and academic education